Monday, March 30, 2015


Weight: 168 lbs
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
BMI: 24.8 (Bordering Overweight)
BMR: 1866.54
% Body Fat: (At Home)

Update: I am going to be changing my exercise routine and method to a more CrossFit Style Agenda. This is to essentially force myself to work all the parts of my body equally rather than devoting days to a type of exercise, thus preventing me from using one day wastefully. Also, it is simply easier for me to go through with an exercise if I have ONE set regimen that I follow through every day rather than if I have multiple (one for every other day). 

I will now be doing workouts that are slightly longer (as I am combining the Weight bearing and Cardio) and encompass the whole body.

Physical Status: Sore, but feeling better as a whole.

Mental Status: Okay, so I tried exercising before studying and doing review homework for math, and before I knew it, I was finished with a section in a 1/2 hour that would normally take me an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. I haven't seen to many more mental changes (understandable as I started not too long ago), but this alone makes me want to exercise more just to see how well this works.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's good that you're pushing yourself to exercise for your own health. For your workout routine, have you been staying on set amounts of exercises? For example, have you been increasing the reps or duration of each individual exercise to push yourself? I have one more question: At what point is too much exercise (exhaustion) a bad thing for improving mental status?
